199. Counterfactual rewards promote collective transport using individually controlled swarm microrobots

V.-L. Heuthe, E. Panizon, H. Gu & C. Bechinger

Science Robotics, accepted (2024)

198. Motility-induced clustering of active particles under soft confinement

T. Knippenberg, A. Jayaram, T. Speck & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 133, 048301 (2024) 

197. Scalable high-throughput microfluidic separation of magnetic microparticles

H. Gu, Y. Chen, A. Lüders, T. Bertrand, E. Hanedan, P. Nielaba, C. Bechinger & B.J. Nelson

Device, 2, 100403 (2024)

196. Universal symmetry of optimal control at the microscale

S.A.M. Loos, S. Monter, F. Ginot & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. X 14, 021032 (2024)

See also:

Time-Symmetric Motion Maximizes Energy Efficiency in Fluid

Philip Ball, Physics 17, 87 (2024)

195. Memory-induced alignment of colloidal dumbbells

K. K. Kumar, J. Caspers, F. Ginot, M. Krüger & C. Bechinger

Sci. Rep. 13, 17409 (2023)

194. Collective foraging of active particles trained by reinforcement learning

R. C. Löffler, E. Panizon & C. Bechinger

Sci. Rep., 13, 17055 (2023)

193. Memory-induced Magnus effect

X. Cao, D. Das, N. Windbacher, F. Ginot, M. Krüger & C. Bechinger

Nat. Phys., 19, 1904 (2023)

192. Self-folding soft robotic chains with reconfigurable shapes and functionalities

H. Gu, M. Möckli, C. Ehmke, M. Kim, M. Wieland, S. Moser, C. Bechinger, Q. Boehler & B. J. Nelson

Nat. Commun., 14, 1263 (2023)


See also: How to make self-folding surgical tools

By Fabio Bergamin, ETH Zürich (2023)

Find a video on Youtube

191. Dynamics and Risk Sharing in Groups of Selfish Individuals

S. Monter, V.-L. Heuthe, E. Panizon & C. Bechinger

J. Theor. Biol., 562, 111433 (2023)

190. How are mobility and friction related in a viscoelastic fluid?

J. Caspers, N. Ditz, K. K. Kumar, F. Ginot, C. Bechinger, M. Fuchs & M. Krüger

J. Chem. Phys., 158, 024901 (2023)

189. Frictionless nanohighways on crystalline surfaces

E. Panizon; A. Silva; X. Cao; J. Wang; C. Bechinger; A. Vanossi; E. Tosatti; N. Manini

Nanoscale, 15, 1299 (2023)

188. Recoil experiments determine the eigenmodes of viscoelastic fluids

F. Ginot, J. Caspers, L.F. Reinalter, K. K. Kumar, M. Krüger & C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 24, 123013 (2022)

187. Active Matter in Space

G. Volpe, C. Bechinger, F. Cichos, R. Golestanian, H. Löwen, M. Sperl & G. Volpe

npj Microgravity, 8, 54 (2022)

186. Surface melting of a colloidal glass

L. Tian & C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 13, 6605 (2022)

See also: Gläsern unter die Oberfläche geschaut

T. Voigmant in Phys. J., 01/23, 20 (2023)

185. Understanding enhanced rotational dynamics of active probes in rod suspensions

N. Narinder, M. F. Bos, C. Abaurrea-Velasco, J. de Graaf, C. Bechinger

Soft Matter,18, 6246 (2022)

184. Force Generation in Confined Active Fluids: The Role of Microstructure

S. Paul, A. Jayaram, N. Narinder, T. Speck, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 058001 (2022)

See also: Depletion-Force Measurements Get Active 

S. Thutupalli in Physics 15, 113 (2022)

183. Role of cohesion in the flow of active particles through bottlenecks 

T. Knippenberg, A. Lüders, C. Lozano, P. Nielaba, C. Bechinger

Sci. Rep., 12, 11525 (2022)

182. Barrier Crossing in a Viscoelastic Bath 

F. Ginot, J. Caspers, M. Krüger, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 028001 (2022)

181. Collective response of microrobotic swarms to external threats 

C-J. Chen, C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 24, 033001 (2022)

180. Moiré-Pattern Evolution Couples Rotational and Translational Friction at Crystalline Interfaces 

X. Cao, A. Silva, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. X., 12, 021059 (2022)

179. Editorial: Motile active matter 

G. Gompper, C. Bechinger, H. Stark, R. G. Winkler

EPJ E, 44 (2021)

178. Critical Casimir interactions of colloids in micellar critical solutions 

L. Helden, T. Knippenberg, L. Tian, A. Archambault, F. Ginot, C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 17, 2741 (2021)

177. Active colloids under geometrical constraints in viscoelastic media 

N. Narinder, W-J. Zhu, C. Bechinger

EPJ E, 44, 28 (2021)

176. Two step micro-rheological behavior in a viscoelastic fluid 

R. Jain, F. Ginot, J. Berner, C. Bechinger, M. Krüger

J. Chem. Phys., 154, 184904, (2021)

175. Bayesian inference of the viscoelastic properties of a Jeffrey's fluid using optical tweezers 

S. Paul, N. Narinder, A. Banerjee, K. R. Nayak, J. Steindl, C. Bechinger

Sci. Rep., 11, 2023 (2021)

174. Pervasive orientational and directional locking at geometrically heterogenous sliding interfaces

X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 103, 012606 (2021)

173. Work fluctuation relation of an active Brownian particle in a viscoelastic fluid 

N. Narinder, S. Paul, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 104, 034605 (2021)

172. Behavior-dependent critical dynamics in collective states of active particles 

R. C. Löffler, T. Bäuerle, M. Kardar, C. M. Rohwer, C. Bechinger

EPL, 134, 64001 (2021)

171. Realization of a motility-trap for active particles 

S. Jahanshahi, C. Lozano, B. Liebchen, H. Löwen, C. Bechinger

Commun. Phys., 11, 4657 (2020)

170. Structural lubricity in soft and hard matter systems 

A. Vanossi, C. Bechinger, M. Urbakh

Nat. Commun., 11, 4657 (2020)

169. Pile-up transmission and reflection of topological defects at grain boundaries in colloidal crystals 

X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, E. Tosatti, C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 11, 3079 (2020)

168. Formation of stable and responsive collective states in suspensions of active colloids 

T. Bäuerle, R. Löffler, C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 11, 2547 (2020)

167. Active suspensions with programmable interactions 

C. Bechinger

J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 32, 193001 (2020)

Included in: Gompper et. al. The 2020 Motile Active Matter Roadmap

166. Properties of a nonlinear bath : experiments, theory, and a stochastic Prandtl-Tomlinson model 

B. Müller, J.Berner, C. Bechinger, M.Krüger (2020)

New J. Phys., 22, 023014 (2020)

165. Direct-imaging of light-driven colloidal Janus particles in weightlessness

R. Kessler, D. Bräuer, C. Dreißigacker, J. Drescher, C. Lozano, C. Bechinger, P. Born, and Th. Voigtmann

Rev. Sci. Instrum., 91, 013902 (2020)

164. Autonomously Probing Viscoelasticity in Disordered Suspensions

C. Abaurrea-Velasco, C. Lozano, C. Bechinger & J. de Graaf

Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 258002 (2020)

163. Active particles in geometrically confined viscoelastic fluids

N. Narinder, J. R. Gomez-Solano, C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 21, 093058  (2019)

162. Active particles sense micromechanical properties of glasses

C. Lozano, J.R. Gomez-Solano, C. Bechinger

Nat. Mater., 18, 1118 (2019)

161. Propagating density spikes in light-powered motility-ratchets

C. Lozano, B. Liebchen, B. t. Hagen, C. Bechinger, H. Löwen

Soft Matter, 15, 5185 (2019)

160. Diffusing Wave Paradox of Phototactic Particles in Traveling Light Pulses

C. Lozano, C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 10, 2495 (2019)

159. Orientational and directional locking of colloidal clusters driven across periodic surfaces

X. Cao, E. Panizon, A. Vanossi, N. Manini, C. Bechinger

Nat. Phys., 15, 776 (2019)

158. Group Formation and Cohesion of Active Particles with visual perception dependent motility

F. Lavergne, H. Wendehenne, T. Bäuerle, C. Bechinger

Science, 364, 70 (2019)

157. Colloidal Brazil Nut Effect in Microswimmer Mixtures induced by Motility Contrast

S. Jahanshahi, C. Lozano, B. ten Hagen, C. Bechinger, H. Löwen

J. Chem. Phys., 150, 114902 (2019)

156. Chemotaxis of Active Janus Particles

M. N. Popescu, W. E. Uspal, C. Bechinger, P. Fischer

Nano Lett., 9, 5345 (2018)
155. Memory-induced transition from a persistent random walk to circular motion for achiral microswimmers

N. Narinder, C. Bechinger, J. R. Gomez-Solano

Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 078003 (2018)
154. Self-Organization of Active Particles by Quorum Sensing rules

T. Bäuerle, A. Fischer, T. Speck, C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 9, 3232  (2018)
153. Experimental observation of the Aubry transition in two-dimensional colloidal monolayers

T. Brazda, A. Silva, N. Manini, A. Vanossi, R. Guerra, E. Tosatti, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. X, 8, 011050 (2018)
152. Oscillating Modes of Driven Colloids in Overdamped Systems

J. Berner, B. Müller, J.R. Gomez-Solano, M. Krüger, C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 9, 999 (2018)
151. Run-and-tumble like motion of active colloids in viscoelastic media

C. Lozano, J. Ruben Gomez-Solano, C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 20, 015008 (2018)
150. Experimental observation of Shapiro-steps in colloidal monolayers driven across time-dependent substrate potentials 

T. Brazda, C. July, C. Bechinger

Soft matter, 13, 4024 (2017)
149. Tuning the motility and directionality of self-propelled colloids 

J.R. Gomez-Solano, S. Samin,  C. Lozano, P. Ruedas-Batuecas, R. van Roij, C. Bechinger

Sci. Rep., 7,  14891 (2017)
148. Measurement of second-order response without perturbation

L. Helden, U. Basu, M. Krüger & C. Bechinger

EPL, 116, 60003 (2017)

147. Interactions of colloidal particles and droplets with water-oil interfaces measured by total internal reflection microscopy

L. Helden, K. Dietrich & C. Bechinger

Langmuir, 32, 13752 (2016)

146.  Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion To Collective Behaviour

G. Gompper, C. Bechinger, S. Herminghaus, R. Isele-Holder, U. B. Kaupp, H. Löwen, H. Stark, R. G. Winkler

Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 225, 2061 (2016)
145. Phototaxis of Synthetic Microswimmers in Optical Landscapes

C. Lozano, B. ten Hagen, H. Löwen & C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 7, 12828 (2016)

144. External control strategies for self-propelled particles: optimizing navigational efficiency in the presence of limited resources

D. F. B. Haeufle, T. Bäuerle, J. Steiner, L. Bremicker, S. Schmitt & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 94, 012617 (2016)

143. Active Particles in Complex and Crowded Environments

C. Bechinger, R. Di Leonardo, H. Löwen, C. Reichhardt, G. Volpe & G. Volpe

Rev. Mod. Phys., 88, 045006 (2016)

142. Dynamics of self-propelled Janus particles in viscoelastic fluids

J. R. Gomez-Solano, A. Blokhuis & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 138301 (2016)

141. Direct Relations between Morphology and Transport in Boolean Models

C. Scholz, F. Wirner, M. Klatt, D. Hirneise, G. E. Schröder-Turk, K. Mecke & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 92, 043023 (2015)

140. Transient dynamics of a colloidal particle driven through a viscoelastic fluid

J. R. Gomez-Solano & C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 17, 103032 (2015)

139. A perspective for this article: After stress comes relax(ation)


L. Isa

New J. Phys., 17 111003 (2015)

138. Can the self-propulsion of anisotropic microswimmers be described by using forces and torques?

B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, D. Takagi, F. Kümmel, C. Bechinger & H. Löwen

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 27, 194110 (2015)

137. Formation, compression and surface melting of colloidal clusters by active particles

F. Kümmel, P. Shabestari, C. Lozano, G. Volpe & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 11, 6187 - 6191 (2015)

136. Non-equilibrium work distribution for interacting colloidal particles under friction

J. R. Gomez-Solano, C. July, J. Mehl & C. Bechinger

New J. Phys., 17, 045026 (2015)

135. Direct measurement of thermophoretic forces

L. Helden, R. Eichhorn & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 11, 2379 - 2386 (2015)

134. Effect of confinement on the mode dynamics of dipole clusters

A. Schella, A. Melzer, C. July, and C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 11 (6), 1197-1207 (2015)

133. Probing linear and nonlinear microrheology of viscoelastic fluids

J. R. Gomez-Solano, and C. Bechinger

EPL, 108, 54008 (2014)

132. Periodic average structures of colloidal quasicrystals

L. Zaidouny, T. Bohlein, J. Roth & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 10 (43), 8705-8710 (2014)

131. Enhanced dispersion by elastic turbulence in porous media

C. Scholz, F. Wirner, J. R. Gomez-Solano & C. Bechinger

EPL, 107, 54003 (2014)

130. Gravitaxis of asymmetric self-propelled colloidal particles

B. ten Hagen, F. Kümmel, R. Wittkowski, D. Takagi, H. Löwen & C. Bechinger

Nat. Commun., 5, 4829 (2014)

129. Geometrical interpretation of long-time tails of first-passage time distributions in porous media with stagnant parts

F. Wirner, C. Scholz & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E., 90, 013025 (2014)

128. Circular motion of asymmetric self-propelling particles: Reply

F. Kümmel, B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, D. Takagi, I. Buttinoni, R. Eichhorn, G. Volpe, H. Löwen & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 029802 (2014)

127. Light-induced phase transitions of colloidal monolayers with crystalline order

L. Zaidouny, T. Bohlein, R. Roth and C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 9 (38), 9230 - 9236 (2013)

126. Dynamical clustering and phase separation in suspensions of self-propelled colloidal particles

I. Buttinoni, J. Bialke, F. Kümmel, H. Löwen, C. Bechinger, and T. Speck

Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 238301 (2013)

125. Circular motion of asymmetric self-propelling particles

F. Kümmel, B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, I. Buttinoni, R. Eichhorn, G. Volpe, H. Löwen & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 198302 (2013)

124. Nucleation and growth of thermoreversible polymer gels

J. R. Gomez-Solano, V. Blickle, and C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E., 87, 012308 (2013)

123. Separation of chiral colloidal particles in a helical flow field

M. Aristov, R. Eichhorn & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 8, 2525 - 2530 (2013)

122. Permeability of porous materials determined from the Euler characteristic

C. Scholz, F. Wirner, J. Götz, U. Rüde, G. E. Schröder-Turk, K. Mecke & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 264504 (2012)

121. Noninvasive measurement of dissipation in colloidal systems

B. Lander, J. Mehl, V. Blickle, C. Bechinger & U. Seifert

Phys. Rev. E, 86, 030401(R) (2012)

120. Measurement of permeability of microfluidic porous media with finite-sized colloidal tracers

C. Scholz, F. Wirner, Y. Li & C. Bechinger

Exp. Fluids, 53, 1327 - 1333 (2012)

119. Experimental Observation of Directional Locking and Dynamical Ordering of Colloidal Monolayers Driven across Quasiperiodic Substrates

T. Bohlein & C Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 058301 (2012)

118. Role of hidden slow degrees of freedom in the fluctuation theorem

J. Mehl, B. Lander, C. Bechinger, V. Blickle & Udo Seifert

Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 220601 (2012)

117. Observation of kinks and antikinks in colloidal monolayers driven across ordered surfaces

T. Bohlein, J. Mikhael & C. Bechinger

Nat. Mater., 11, 126 - 130 (2012)

116. Realization of a micrometre-sized stochastic heat engine

V. Blickle, and C. Bechinger

Nat. Phys., 8, 143 - 146 (2012)

115. Active Brownian motion tunable by light

I. Buttinoni, G. Volpe, F. Kümmel, G. Volpe, and C. Bechinger

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, 284129 (2012)

114. Shear thinning and local melting of colloidal crystals

R. P. A. Dullens, and C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 138301 (2011)

113. Microswimmers in Patterned Environments

G. Volpe, I. Buttinoni, D. Vogt, H-J. Kümmerer & Clemens Bechinger

Soft Matter, 7, 8810 - 8815 (2011)

112. Criticality and phase separation in a two-dimensional binary colloidal fluid induced by the solvent critical behavior

O. Zvyagolskaya, A. Archer & C. Bechinger

EPL, 96, 28005 (2011)

111. Pattern formation in colloidal explosions

A. V. Straube, A. A. Louis, J. Baumgartl, C. Bechinger & R. P. A. Dullens

EPL, 94, 48008 (2011)

110. Salt-induced changes of colloidal interactions in critical mixtures

U. Nellen, J. Dietrich, L. Helden, S. Chodankar, K. Nygard, J. Friso van der Veen & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 7, 5360 (2011)

109. Trapping colloids near chemical stripes via critical Casimir forces

M. Tröndle, O. Zvyagolskaya, A. Gambassi, D. Vogt, L. Harnau, C. Bechinger & S. Dietrich

Mol. Phys., 109, 1169 (2011)

108. Force measurement in the presence of Brownian noise: Equilibrium distribution method vs. Drift method

T. Brettschneider, G. Volpe, L. Helden, J. Wehr & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 83, 041113 (2011)

107. Phase behavior of colloidal monolayers on quasiperiodic Substrates

J. Mikhael, G. Gera, T. Bohlein & C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 7, 1352 (2011)

106. Proliferation of anomalous symmetries in colloidal monolayers subjected to quasiperiodic light fields

J. Mikhael, M. Schmiedeberg, S. Rausch, J. Roth, H. Stark & C. Bechinger

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 107, 7216 (2010)

105. Influence of noise on force measurements

G. Volpe, L. Helden, T. Brettschneider, J. Wehr & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 170602 (2010)

104. Morphological wetting transitions at ring-shaped surface domains

C. Schäfle, M. Brinkmann, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer, R. Lipowsky

Langmuir, 26, 11878 (2010)

103. Experimental Accessibility of Generalized Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations for Nonequilibrium Steady States

J. Mehl, V. Blickle, U. Seifert & C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 82, 032401 (2010)

102. Archimedean-like colloidal tilings on substrates with decagonal and tetradecagonal symmetry

M. Schmiedeberg, J. Mikhael, S. Rausch, J. Roth, L. Helden, C. Bechinger, and H. Stark

Eur. Phys. J. E, 32, 25 (2010)

101. Novel perspectives for the application of total internal reflection microscopy

G. Volpe, T. Brettschneider, L. Helden, C. Bechinger

Opt. Express, 17, 23975 (2009)

100. Tunability of Critical Casimir Interactions by Boundary Conditions

U. Nellen, L. Helden, C. Bechinger

EPL, 88, 26001 (2009)

99. Critical Casimir effect in classical binary liquid mixtures

A. Gambassi, A. Maciolek, C. Hertlein, U. Nellen, L. Helden, C. Bechinger and S. Dietrich

Phys. Rev. E, 80, 061143 (2009)

98. Relaxation of a colloidal particle into a nonequilibrium steady state

V. Blickle, J. Mehl, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 79, 060104(R) (2009)

97. The critical Casimir effect: Universal fluctuation-induced forces at work

A. Gambassi, C. Hertlein, L. Helden, S. Dietrich, C. Bechinger

Europhys. News, 48, 18 (2009)

96. Critical Casimir forces in colloidal suspensions on chemically patterned surfaces

F. Soyka, O.Zvyagolskaya, C. Hertlein, L. Helden, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 208301 (2008)

95. In-situ assembly of linked geometrically-coupled microdevices

T. Sawetzki, S. Rahmouni, C. Bechinger, D.W.M. Marr

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 105, 20141 (2008)

94. Archimedean-like tiling on decagonal quasicrystalline surfaces

J. Mikhael, J. Roth, L. Helden, C. Bechinger

Nature, 454, 501 (2008)

93. Phonon dispersion curves of two-dimensional colloidal crystals: On the wavelength dependence of friction

J. Baumgartl, J. Dietrich, J. Dobnikar, C. Bechinger, H.H.v. Grünberg

Soft Matter, 4, 2199 (2008)

92. Diffusion of colloidal particles in a tilted periodic potential: Theory versus experiment

M. Evstigneev, O.Zvyagolskaya, S. Bleil, R.Eichhorn, C. Bechinger, P. Reimann

Phys. Rev. E, 77, 041107 (2008)

91. Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces

C. Hertlein, L. Helden, A. Gambassi, S. Dietrich, C. Bechinger

Nature, 451, 172 (2008)

90. Experimental Verification of an Exact Evanescent Light Scattering Model for TIRM

C. Hertlein, N. Riefler, E. Eremina, T. Wriedt, Y. Eremin, L. Helden, C. Bechinger

Langmuir, 24, 1 (2008)

89. Tailoring of phononic band structures in colloidal crystals

J. Baumgartl, M. Zvyagolskaya, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 205503 (2007)

88. Lattice dynamics of two-dimensional colloidal crystals subject to external light potentials

H.H.v. Grünberg, J. Baumgartl

Phys. Rev. E, 75, 051406 (2007)

87. Experimental observation of structural crossover in binary mixtures of colloidal hard spheres

J. Baumgartl, R. P. A. Dullens, M. Dijkstra, R. Roth, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 198303 (2007)

86. Characterizing potentials by a generalized Boltzmann factor

V.Blickle, T. Speck, U. Seifert, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 75, 060101(R) (2007)

85. The Einstein relation generalized to non-equilibrium

V.Blickle, T. Speck, C. Lutz, U. Seifert, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, 210601 (2007)

84. Distribution of entropy production for a colloidal particle in a nonequilibrium steady state

T. Speck, V.Blickle, C. Bechinger, U. Seifert

Europhys. Lett., 79, 30002 (2007)

83. Colloids on patterned substrates

C. Bechinger, E. Frey

Soft Matter, 3, 87 (2007)

82. Comparison of T-matrix method with discrete sources method applied for total internal reflection

N. Riefler, E. Eremina, C. Hertlein, L. Helden, Y. Eremin, T. Wriedt, C. Bechinger

J. Quant. Spec. & Rad. Transfer, 106, 464-474 (2007)

81. Directing Brownian motion by oscillating barriers

S. Bleil, P. Reimann, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E, 75, 031117 (2007)

80. Optical microscopy measurement of pair correlation functions

A. Ramirez-Saito, C. Bechinger, J.L. Arauz-Lara

Phys. Rev. E, 74, 030401(R) (2006)

79. Single particle evanescent light scattering simulations for total internal reflection microscopy

L. Helden, E. Eremina, N. Riefler, C. Hertlein, C. Bechinger, Y. Eremin, T. Wriedt

Applied Optics, 45, 7299-7308 (2006)

78. Field-mediated self-assembly and actuation of highly-parallel microfluidic devices

S. Bleil, D.W.M. Marr, C. Bechinger

Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 263515 (2006)

77. Stochastic resonance versus resonant activation

C. Schmitt, B. Dybiec, P. Hänggi, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett., 74, 937 (2006)

76. Like charge attraction in confinement: Myth or truth?

J. Baumgartl, J.L. Arauz-Lara, C. Bechinger

Soft Matter, 2, 631 (2006)

75. Surmounting barriers: The benefit of hydrodynamic interactions

C. Lutz, M. Reichert, H. Stark, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett., 74, 719 (2006)

74. From pair correlations to pair interactions: an exact relation in one-dimensional systems

H. Hansen-Goos, C. Lutz, C. Bechinger, R. Roth

Europhys. Lett., 74, 8 (2006)

73. Thermodynamics of a colloidal particle in a time-dependent non-harmonic potential

V.Blickle, T. Speck, L. Helden, U. Seifert, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 070603 (2006)

72. Strain-induced domain formation in two-dimensional colloidal systems

S. Bleil, H.H.v. Grünberg, J. Dobnikar, R. Castaneda-Priego, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett., 73, 450 (2006)

71. Quantifying stochastic resonance: Theory vs. Experiment

M. Evsitgneev, P. Reimann, C. Schmitt, C. Bechinger

J. Phys: Cond. Matt., 17, S3795 (2005)

70. Evanescent Light Scattering with Magnetic Colloids

V.Blickle, D. Babic, C. Bechinger

Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 101102 (2005)

69. On the limits of video microscopy

J. Baumgartl, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett., 71, 487 (2005)

68. Noise enhanced performance of ratched cellular automata

D. Babic, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 148303 (2005)

67. Colloids as model systems for problems in statistical physics

D. Babic, C. Schmitt, C. Bechinger

Chaos, 15, 026114 (2005)

66. Three-body forces at work: three-body potentials derived from triplet correlations in colloidal suspensions

C. Russ, M. Brunner, C. Bechinger, H.H.v. Grünberg

Europhys. Lett., 69, 468 (2005)

65. Wenn drei Körper mehr sind als drei Paare

C. Bechinger, H.H.v. Grünberg

Physik Journal November, 33 (2004)

64. Locked-floating-solid to locked-smectic transition in colloidal systems

J. Baumgartl, M. Brunner, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 168301 (2004)

63. Diffusion of colloids in one-dimensional light channels

C. Lutz, M. Kollmann, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 16, S4075 (2004)

62. Single-file diffusion of colloids in one-dimensional channels

C. Lutz, M. Kollmann, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 026001 (2004)

61. Depletion potentials induced by charged colloidal rods

L. Helden, G.H. Koenderink, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Langmuir 20, 5662 (2004)

60. Stochastic resonance in colloidal systems

D. Babič, C. Schmitt, I. Poberaj, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett. 67, 158 (2004)

59. Binary colloidal systems in two-dimensional circular cavities

K. Mangold, J. Birk, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 1623 (2004)

58. Three-body interactions in colloidal suspensions

J. Dobnikar, M. Brunner, H.H.v. Grünberg, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. E 69, 031402 (2004)

57. Direct measurement of three-body interactions amongst charged colloids

M. Brunner, J. Dobnikar, H.H.v. Grünberg, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 078301 (2004)

56. Colloidal systems in intense, two-dimensional laser fields

M. Brunner, C. Bechinger

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 123, 156 (2004)

55. On the nature of long-range contributions to pair interactions between charged colloids in two dimensions

V. Lobaskin, M. Brunner, C. Bechinger, H.H.v. Grünberg

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 15, 6693 (2003)

54. Subpattern formation during condensation processes on structured substrates

C. Schäfle, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett. 63, 394 (2003)

53. Measuring the equation of state of a hard-disc fluid

M. Brunner, C. Bechinger, U. Herz, H.H.v. Grünberg

Europhys. Lett. 63, 791 (2003)

52. Phase transitions of colloidal monolayers in periodic pinning arrays

K. Mangold, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 158302 (2003)

51. Direct measurement of entropic forces induced by rigid rods

L. Helden, R. Roth, G.H. Koenderink, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 48301 (2003)

50. Macroion shielding and state-dependent pair-potentials in colloidal suspensions

R. Klein, H.H.v. Grünberg, C. Bechinger, M. Brunner, V. Lobaskin

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 14, 7631 (2002)

49. Fluctuation-induced order in two-dimensional colloidal clusters

R. Bubek, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Europhys. Lett. 60, 474 (2002)

48. Phase behaviour of colloidal molecular crystals on triangular light-lattices

M. Brunner, C. Bechinger

Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 248302 (2002)

47. Density-dependent pair-interactions in 2D colloidal suspensions

M. Brunner, C. Bechinger, W. Strepp, V. Lobaskin, H.H.v. Grünberg

Europhys. Lett. 58, 926 (2002)

46. Colloidal suspensions in confied geometries

C. Bechinger

Curr. Opinion Coll. Int. Sci. 7, 204 (2002)

45. Force exertion in fungal infection

M. Bastmeyer, H.B. Deising, C. Bechinger

Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 31, 321 (2002)

44. Perforated wetting layers from periodic pattern of lypophobic surface domains

P. Lenz, C. Bechinger, C. Schäfle, P. Leiderer, R. Lipowski

Langmuir 17, 7814 (2001)

43. Phase behaviour of colloids in confining geometry

C. Bechinger, E. Frey

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 13, R321 (2001)

42. Measurement of surface charge densities on Brownian particles using total internal reflection microscopy

H.H.v. Grünberg, L. Helden, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

J. Chem. Phys. 114, 10094 (2001)

41. Substrate-induced phase transitions in 2D-colloidal systems

K. Mangold, R. Bubek, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 118, 77 (2001)

40. Structure and dynamics of two-dimensional colloidal crystals in circular cavities

R. Bubek, P. Leiderer, C. Bechinger

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 118, 73 (2001)

39. Phase behaviour of two-dimensional colloidal systems in the presence of periodic light fields

C. Bechinger, M. Brunner, P. Leiderer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 930 (2001)

38. Physik mit kolloidalen Suspensionen

C. Bechinger

Phys. Blätt. 56, 75 (2000)

37. Die Attraktivität von Unordnung

H.H.v. Grünberg, C. Bechinger

Spektrum d. Wissenschaft 6, 16 (2000)

36. Single-file-diffusion of colloids in one-dimensional channels

Q-H. Wei, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Science 287, 625 (2000)

35. Submicron metal oxide structures by a sol-gel process on patterned subtrates

C. Bechinger, H. Muffler, C. Schäfle, O. Sundberg, P. Leiderer

Thin Solid Films 366, 135 (2000)

34. Reentrant melting of two-dimensional colloidal systems

C. Bechinger, Q-H. Wei, P. Leiderer

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 12, A425 (2000)

33. Understanding depletion forces beyond entropy

C. Bechinger, D. Rudhardt, P. Leiderer, R. Roth, S. Dietrich

Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3960 (1999)

32. Entropische Kräfte

C. Bechinger, H.H.v. Grünberg, P. Leiderer

Phys. Blätt. 55, 53 (1999)

31. Optical measurements of invasive forces exerted by appresoria of a plant pathogenic fungus

C. Bechinger, K.F. Giebel, M. Schnell, P. Leiderer, H.B. Deising, M. Bastmeyer

Science 285, 1896 (1999)

30. Repulsive depletion interactions in colloid-polymer mixtures

D. Rudhardt, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 11, 10073 (1999)

29. Cooperative evaporation in ordered arrays of volatile droplets

C. Schäfle, C. Bechinger, B. Rinn, C. David, P. Leiderer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5302 (1999)

28. Melting and reentrant freezing of two-dimensional colloidal crystals in confined geometry

R. Bubek, C. Bechinger, S. Neser, P. Leiderer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3364 (1999)

27. Entropic interactions in mixtures of colloids and non-ionic polymers

D. Rudhardt, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 112, 163 (1998)

26. Experimental observation of single-file diffusion of Brownian particles

Q-H. Wei, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 112, 227 (1998)

25. Imaging of cell/substrate contacts of living cells with surface plasmon resonance microscopy

K.F. Giebel, C. Bechinger, S. Herminghaus, M. Riedel, P. Leiderer, U. Weiland, M. Bastmeyer

Biophys. J. 76, 509 (1998)

24. Lithography with colloid monolayers

F. Burmeister, C. Schäfle, B. Keilhofer, C. Bechinger, J. Boneberg, P. Leiderer

Chem. Eng. Technol. 21, 761 (1998)

23. Structure and dynamics of two-dimensional colloidal crystals in confied geometry

R. Bubek, S. Neser, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 110, 41 (1998)

22. The interaction between colloidal particles and differently treated glass surfaces studied with evanescent wave scattering

D. Rudhardt, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 110, 37 (1998)

21. Structure of two-dimensional colloidal systems under the influence of an external modulated light field

Q-H. Wei, C. Bechinger, D. Rudhardt, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 110, 46 (1998)

20. Experimental study of laser induced melting in two dimensional colloids

Q-H. Wei, C. Bechinger, D. Rudhardt, P. Leiderer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2606 (1998)

19. Direct measurement of depletion potentials in mixtures of colloids and non-ionic polymers

D. Rudhardt, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1330 (1998)

18. From mesoscopic to nanoscopic surface structures: Lithographie with colloid monolayers

F. Burmeister, C. Schäfle, B. Keilhofer, C. Bechinger, J. Boneberg, P. Leiderer

Adv. Mat. 10, 495 (1998)

17. Surface plasmons as a resonance probe

C. Bechinger, J. Boneberg, S. Herminghaus, P. Leiderer

Proc. SPIE 3404, 365 (1997)

16. Finite size effects on the closest packing of hard spheres

S. Neser, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer, T. Palberg

Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2348 (1997)

15. Chromic mechanism in amorphous WO3 films

J-G. Zhang, D.K. Benson, C.E. Tracy, S.K. Deb, A.W. Czanderna, C. Bechinger

J. Electrochem. Soc. 144, 2022 (1997)

14. Reversible laser annealing on YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films

J. Eisenmenger, R. Steinke, C. Brand, S. Kambach, M. Hoffmann, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Laser Physics 7, 349 (1997)

13. Direct observation of a buckling transition during the formation of thin colloidal crystals

S. Neser, T. Palberg, C. Bechinger, P. Leiderer

Progr. Colloid. Polym. Sci 104, 194 (1997)

12. Comparison between electrochromic and photochromic coloration efficiency of tungsten oxide thin films

C. Bechinger, M.S. Burdis, J-G. Zhang

Sol. State Comm. 101, 753 (1997)

11. Photoelectrochromic windows and displays

C. Bechinger, S. Ferrere, A. Zaban, J. Sprague, B.A. Gregg

Nature 383,  S.608 (1996)

10. Development of a new self-powered electrochromic device for light modulation without external power supply

C. Bechinger, B.A. Gregg

Sol En. Mat. Sol. Cells 54, 405 (1996)

9. Semi-transparent a-SiC:H solar cells for self-powered photovoltaic-electrochromic devices 

J.N. Bullock, C. Bechinger, D.K. Benson, H.M. Branz

J. Non-Cryst. Solids 198, 1163 (1996)

8. Photochromic coloration of WO3 with visible light

C. Bechinger, E. Wirth, P. Leiderer

Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2834 (1996)

7. Low-Voltage electrochromic device for photovoltaic-powered smart windows

C. Bechinger, J.N. Bullock, J-G. Zhang, C.E. Tracy, D.K. Benson, S.K. Deb, H.M. Branz

J. Appl. Phys. 80, 1226 (1996)

6. Dynamics of the Photochromic Effect of WO3

C. Bechinger, S. Herminghaus, W. Petersen, P. Leiderer

Proc. SPIE 2255, 467 (1994)

5. Low frequency acoustic and dielectric measurments on glasses

J. Classen, C. Enss, C. Bechinger, G. Weiss, S. Hunklinger

Ann. Physik 3, 315 (1994)

4. Phase contrast surface mode resonance microscopy

S. Herminghaus, C. Bechinger, W. Petersen, P. Leiderer

Opt. Comm. 112, 16 (1994)

3. Photoinduced doping of thin amorphous WO3 films

C. Bechinger, S. Herminghaus, P. Leiderer

Thin Solid Films 239, 156 (1994)

2. The dynamics of the photochromic effect in tungsten oxide

C. Bechinger, D. Ebner, S. Herminghaus, P. Leiderer

Solid State Comm. 89, 205 (1994)

1. On the fundamental role of oxygen for the photchromic effect of WO3

C. Bechinger, G. Öfinger, S. Herminghaus, P. Leiderer

J. Appl. Phys. 74, 4527 (1993)